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TOPIC: Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014

Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #274

Hello everybody,
my name is Jonathan Rizzi and I am actually working in Italy with the University of Venice and the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Changes... and starting a postdoc in another country in few months.

I recently completed my PhD in environmental sciences and my research area focuses on climate change and natural hazards impacts assessment. Differently from many other participants to this forum I am not a modeller, but I usually work with data provided by modellers, as usually I focus on models aimed at assessing the potential impacts of climate change and natural hazards (including extreme events) provinding information to stakeholders and decision makers in a "simple" way (i.e. trogh "climate services").

In my research activities I combined my knowledge on the environmental sector with my GIS/ICT competences.

The school could represent an important moment to improve my modelling capacities, to better understand models and chain of hodrometeorological models. Moreover, it could represent an interesting moment to share ideas with the other participants and with the teachers. Despite I am not a modeller, I hope I could bring a valuable contribution and some ideas coming from a slightly different (but strictly connected) perspective.

I really hope to meet you at the summer school.
Last Edit: 10 years 7 months ago by jonathan.rizzi.
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #277

Aslamo Alaekum Dear freinds

Here is Haseeb Ahsan. I am from Pakistan. I am doing M.Sc water resources engineering from university of engineering and technology Lahore. My M.Sc is near to an end. I have done research on Envelope curve which is a quick method for the estimation of flood discharge occurred in a specific region. The envelope curve actually provides an upper bound value of flood occurred in a region. I used this envelope curve as an upper bound value in combination with different frequency distribution function for the improvement of flood frequency analysis specially at high return periods. I have run different Hydro-meteolological models like HEC-HMS, Hyfran plus, DFW software, HEC6 for the estimation of peal flows and their corresponding return period which is very important for the safe design of hydraulic structure. I think by participating at DRIHM summer school I can enhance my knowledge in the field of Hydro-meteorology using e science. Pakistan has experienced large number of floods which are resulted in huge lose of people lives and property so my country need such hydro-meteorological study which can predict such extreme events.
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #278

Hi everyone,

My name is Annalise Blum and I am doing a PhD at Tufts University in the USA. I am working with the US Geological Survey here to calibrate hydrological rainfall-runoff models used to predict extreme events in the northeastern United States.

I would like to participate in the summer school to develop my modeling skills and learn more about forecasting model chains. I am also very interested in meeting all of you and learning more about your different research topics.

All the best,

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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #280

Hi to all,

My name is Halil Ibrahim Burgan, I am PhD Student at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in Turkey. I am research assistant at Civil Engineering Department, Hydraulics and Water Structures Laboratory at ITU. I research Hydro-meteorological risks under climate change: floods and droughts in Turkey with my PhD study.

At the moment, I work on hydrological models. I am taking is in a EU Project “A Scientific Network for Earthquake, Landslide and Flood Hazard Prevention” which is a cooperation between six Black sea countries, for flood modeling and flood risk assessment in these countries.

I work on hydraulic models, too. I made flood modeling of Akarcay Basin in Turkey at my MSc thesis. The study area is important, because it has shallow waters and the slope does not change so much in the basin. I used Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) model in Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) software because of giving good results at shallow waters.

I would like to attend the DRIHM Summer School 2014 on Hydro-meteorological modelling using e-Science environments. I am very much interested in meteorological, hydrological and hydraulic models. I am sure I will have a lot to learn from the DRIHM summer school and will be able to make case studies by applying what I am going to learn there. Also I will meet young researchers to cooperate for the future of my carrier and more importantly I will meet professors who will teach their great experience in the summer school.
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #285

Dear all,
mi name is Francesca Viterbo and I’m now attending the first year of Ph.D. course in Systems Engineering at the Genoa University and my research activity is carried out in close collaboration with the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Turin (Italy) and the CIMA Research Foundation.
The school theme is especially relevant to my present Ph.D. studies on land-atmosphere coupling and the use of the WRF-Hydro architecture to improve the hydro-meteorological prediction of severe rainfall events. It represents a great occasion to learn the state of the art in meteorological and hydrological forecasting and the current efforts in linking together atmospheric and hydrological models in an integrated approach.
As a special added value of this summer school I expect to find the opportunity to network with other professionals in hydro-meteorological research from all over the world, favoring the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and networking. I think that these occasions are especially valuable for early career scientist like me, at the first year of the Ph.D., in order to built future fruitful scientific collaborations.
Francesca Viterbo
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #288

Hello everybody,

My name is Katya and I am a PhD student in University of Exeter. My research is related to flood impacts assessment and I am working on an FP7-funded project PEARL (Preparing for extreme and rare events in coastal regions). As hydro-meteorological events are the main root cause of flooding world-wild, I find it essential to study their extremes and to aim at better integration between the meteorological and the hydrological/hydraulic models. My MSc topic was "Climate change impacts to flood hazard using an ensemble of modelling approach". I worked in DHI Denmark and used their fully integrated hydrological model MIKE SHE to assess climate change impacts to the following variables: temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater flow and river discharge. I obtained a MSc in Hydro informatics in UNESCO IHE where I came across quite a few water modelling models, such as:

 HEC-RAS and ArcGIS extension HEC-GeoRas
 SOBEK-Rural
 DDM: WEKA, Spreadsheet Models
 GLOBE: Optimization Tool

I am also personally interested in the general idea of integrating models because I will be integrating a flood model into a traffic model to estimate flood knock on effects on traffic congestion.

If I get selected I expect to have a very fruitful week in Madrid where I will get exposed to novel tools and methods for solving hydro-meteorological problems. I am literary eager to learn how the models are chained under the e-Infrastructure. I also have a lot of questions. For example how we can use that platform for estimating uncertainty and cascading effects. I am extremely enthusiastic to join the summer school, learn, discuss and share ideas with other participants and world leading experts in the field.

Best Regards,

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