My name is Shawn Boyce. I am currently employed as the Chief Hydrologist (Ag.) at the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) where I started after graduating from Newcastle University with a M.Sc. in Hydrology in 2006. The CIMH is a regional organisation, located in Barbados, mandated to assist with the improvement and development of meteorological and hydrological services for the economic well being of Member States through training, research and development and the provision of specialised services.
At CIMH my interests include flood forecasting. The Caribbean is extremely exposed to hydro-meterological risks. Extreme precipitation associated with cyclonic and non-cyclonic systems has resulted in catastrophic flooding and landslides in some countries resulting in damage to properties and loss of life. The small, steep sloped watersheds especially in the volcanic islands do not afford flood forecasters significant lead times. Therefore, the use of numerical weather prediction models is seen as a necessary step to establish a robust flood forecasting system. Solely depending on real-time instrument data and/or weather radar information will limit forecast effectiveness.
The CIMH produces 4 km resolution numerical weather forecasts operationally four times daily centred over the Caribbean using the WRF-ARW model. Currently, I am testing the effectiveness of a routine which extracts the precipitation forecast data and utilises the data in a rainfall-runoff model (HEC-HMS) to produce and publish forecast hydrographs operationally. This approach is being tested in two pilot watersheds located in Jamaica and Barbados. Recent developments in hydro-meteorological modelling such as WRF-hydro and ParFlow-WRF are of interest as they provide interesting opportunities to build on current flood forecasting efforts by providing a more robust, fully coupled approach.
The DRIHM summer school will provide an excellent opportunity for the further enhancement of the research and development program at the CIMH. The insight provided specifically with regards to the linking of meteorological and hydrological models will be invaluable. In addition, the opportunity to be exposed to state-of-the-art forecasting tools within a high performance environment is exciting and will contribute to my professional development.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the DRIHM summer school Organising Committee for considering my application.
Facebook: Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH)
Twitter: @CIMHbb