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TOPIC: Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014

Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #292

Dear all,
My name is Isabel Flores and I am PhD student at the Technical University of Madrid (Spain).
I’m working in dam safety analysis with a probabilistic approach. Spain is a dry country, which has typical Mediterranean hydrological regime with strong and fast floods in autumn and droughts in summer. Because of that, dams have a dual function in Spain, flood control and water store. So the study of flood extreme events is absolutely important in our country.
Nowadays, the methodology applied in Spain is mainly deterministic without considering the variability of the processes involved in the flood generation. But it is needed to develop another methodology with a probabilistic and multivariate approach. To do that, we propose a methodology that combines a stochastic rainfall generator with a distributed and event-based hydrological model to generate flood hydrograph series which allow characterising the extremal behaviour of the basin.
Other possible approach of dam safety studies may be flood forecasting and reservoir operation optimization during floods which needs to combine the hydrological models with a meteorological one. This is the topic of the summer course and why I’m interested in doing it.

Best regards

Isabel F.
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #295

Hi everybody,

My name is Ramona Stefanescu and I am a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at University at Buffalo, NY, where I have been involved in the development of statistical and computational methodologies for modeling and predicting extreme natural hazards. My main contribution is in developing novels methods for generating ensembles for terrain modeling.

As of April 2014, my research involves combining geophysical models for mass flows, with initiation models and meteorological and hydrological models in obtaining a integrated framework for risk assessment of small perils with longer precursor duration. I believe that by participating in the DRIHM Summer School I will exposed to new techniques and approaches that I can use in this project.

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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #297

Dear everybody,

my name is Nejc Bezak and I am a PhD student at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering. My main interest are different univariate and multivariate flood frequency approaches and I also deal with different aspects of suspended sediments in streams (measurement, analyses). I have not been in touch with any of the meteorological models and this would really be the most interesting part of this summer school. I am also looking forward to gain additional knowledge about hydrological and hydraulic models.

My expectations about this summer school are high, because I think that this four day course will be an exciting educational processes, from which I could definitely benefit a lot.

Best regards,

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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #299

Hello :)
I'm Parviz Normatov Ph.D student of meteorology and climate of the Tajik National University of the Republic of Tajikistan. The topic of my thesis is "Monitoring of Meteorological conditions of Zarafshan Transboundary River Basin and Hydrological Characteristics of the river Zarafshan and development of models for the prediction of their development up to 2050." So far, my accumulated weather data for five stations of the Zarafshan River Basin: Anzob, Madrushkat, Penjikent, and Dekhavz, Shahristan located at different heights above sea level, and the Zarafshan River hydrological data for the period 1950-2012 years.
I consider very important of my participation in School. I want to be acquainted with the methodology of the study, modern methods of modeling emergencies. This knowledge will help me in substantial progress on the topic of the thesis, and ultimately it will be my contribution to mitigating the impact of emergencies in Zarafshan River Basin.
My participation in school is very important based on the following points of view:
1. Deepen knowledge of the hydro-meteorological modeling
2. Learn to use the technique of choice of a particular model for a plausible description of a particular meteorological and hydrological process
3. Expand experience and simulate the dynamics of the hydro-meteorological conditions Zarafshan River Basin
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #304

Hi everyone,

I am Dimitris and I am from Athens, Greece.

My field of research is Precipitation Science, including Remote Sensing of Precipitation and Numerical Weather Prediction Models, especially WRF. I have participated in international research projects (e.g. FLASH project) and currently I’m working as scientific staff (research associate – scientific technical staff) at the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Greece. I work with WRF model since 2011 (previously with MM5 model) and especially with the simulation of extreme rainfall cases and flash floods. I have also used WRF as a CRM (cloud resolving model) in order to employ the outputs in a Satellite Simulator (SDSU). In the near future, I will participate in a hydro-meteorological project that requires the linking between WRF and hydrological models. I am interested in understanding how hydrological models work and what input is needed from meteorological models. Furthermore, I expect to study the use of model chains in the framework of DRIHM’s summer school.

Best regards,

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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #307

Hi Everyone,

I am Rupayan Saha. I have completed B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and my M.Sc. is ongoing. I joined Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) as Junior Engineer in July 2011. Till now I am developing my knowledge and expertise in Mathematical Modelling and Computational Hydraulics at IWM.

As you may know, my homeland Bangladesh, being one of the largest deltas in the world, is highly vulnerable to Natural Disasters such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes and droughts. The adverse effects of Climate Change – especially High Temperature, Sea-level Rise, Cyclones and Storm Surges, Salinity Intrusion, Heavy Monsoon Downpours, etc. have aggravated the overall Economic Development scenario of the country. Predicting weather and climate and its impacts on the environment, including hazards such as floods and landslides, is still one of the main challenges of the 21st century with significant societal and economic implications. That's why i am interested in extreme events.

I am engaged in different projects under the Water Resource Planning Division. Urban drainage modelling including flood risk assessment and rainfall forecasts is one of the focus areas of this division. Using DHI’s system like MIKE 11 RR module and MIKE URBAN, I regularly assess storm runoff and analyze the performance of urban drainage networks.

That's all. Hope we will meet at Summer School and share our knowledge and learn about new techs.

With regards

Rupayan Saha
Contact no. +8801671579755
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