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TOPIC: Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014

Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #310

I am Felipe Quintero

I am a postdoctoral scholar at the Iowa Flood Center , University of Iowa.
My area of knowledge is propagation of uncertainty in hydrological modeling.
Looking forward to meet you at the summer schoool
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #312

Dear all,

My name is Marcelo Zamuriano, Bolivian, holding a Master's Degree in Physics (applied physics) from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and now working at the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Bolivia (SENAMHI).

During my studies and my work, I acquired extensive knowledge in the field of climate modelling, climate data processing and the physics of climate. This kind of knowledge has turned my attention to the understanding of physical processes responsible for phenomenas such as rainfall variability in local and regional level, the influence of orography on atmospheric processes and weather extreme events prediction through the Regional Atmospheric Modelling and the Atmospheric Circulation Patterns study.

At my institution, we are using the WRF model in order to do downscale GFS outputs. I'm the responsible of the outputs analysis.

As a physicist, I'm very interested in the phenomenas responsible of the behaviour of the Water in the atmosphere and on the land surface: The water cycle. I strongly believe that the linking of meteorological, hydrological and hydraulic models will improve my understanding of such processes and that's why I look forward to assist to this Summer School.

Best regards,

Marcelo Zamuriano
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #313

Hi everyone,

My name is Fatkhuroyan and I am working at R&D Centre of Meteorological Climatological and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia ( BMKG Indonesia).

At my institution, we use WRF model for daily public forecast and also for atmospheric research, especially to simulate and analize some extreme events such as flood and extreme rainfall from some regions in Indonesia.

My expectation from this summer school is very highh. I hope that i can improve my knowledge and my skill then i can implement what i will get from this course to my instituion, so BMKG Indonesia can serve better to public, especially how to predict and manage flood at Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia) which is always flooded every year.

Best regards,

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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #318

Hi everybody:
My name is Juan Carlos Antuña Sánchez. I graduated 2 years ago in Computer Science. From my third year as under graduated student I have been linked to the Grupo de Optica Atmosferica de Camaguey (GOAC) working with the computer support for instrumental operation and services.
I formally began to work at GOAC 2 years ago. My duties has been extended to the installation and running WRF both for services and researcher. I am looking for expanding my abilities for using hydrological models in combination with WRF and to learn about WRF-Hydro.
Another of my interest is to make contact with other colleague.
I hope to make its reality attending the summer school.
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 6 months ago #321

Hi my name is zamane zineb i'm PHD student from morocco as you now Morocco is exposed to drought and that influence on water resources and also on its agriculture and therefore consequences on the majority of the inhabitants of the kingdom
in my thesis research I work on the influence of climate indices and extreme events on a large part of the country
my objective is acquire experience in meteorology and hydrogeology and a aquérir experience and skills in the field
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 6 months ago #322


My name is Iván. I am studying for my master's degree in Madrid, Spain.

I found really interesting all the subjects related to water resources and water management. Studying the water balance of an area or having the capability to give predictions about floods in order to satisfy the necessities of people and protect the communities highly motivates me.

I feel that attending to the course would be a great chance to learn about hydro-meteorological sciences and all that surrounds them; and of course it will be great to get the chance of meeting people interested in this topic from all over the world!

Best regards,

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