Dear Friends,
I am Dharmaveer Singh (pursuing PhD)from National Institute of Technology, Allahabad India. I am working in field of hydro-meteorology under the supervision of Dr. S.K. Jain Scientist-F, Water Resources Systems Division, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee and Dr. R.D. Gupta, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,NIT, Allahabad.My study area is sutlej river basin and this is highly sensitive to climate change.The focus of my research is to quantify impacts of climate change on water resources (stream flow)under different emission scenarios and study of trends in extreme precipitation and temperature indices. For this purpose, statistical downscaling techniques are used to downscale and generate future scenarios of metrological variables (TMax, TMin, and PCP) form predictors of General Circulation Models. But results obtained from statistical techniques are not satisfactory for precipitation. Therefore more sophisticated techniques are required to increase reliability in prediction of precipitation so that better simulations of stream flow could be done for future periods. In this training various topics related with hydrological metrological models like RIBS, WRF, MASCARET and WRF-HYDRO will be taught and discussed. These models are new to me and knowledge about them will definitely improve and enhance my research capabilities in field of hydro-metrological modelling. So, I am interested and applied for the participation in the Summer school.
In past, i have worked with tools like SWAT, HES and MIKE for hydrological modelling and ANN, SDSM, Weather Generator for statistical downscaling and simulation of meteorological variables.