In 2011 CIMA Foundation signed a MoU with EGI because “CIMA has been playing a central role in the hydrometeorology research community. As coordinator of dedicated projects (i.e. DRIHMS and the follow-up project DRIHM) in the domain, is well positioned to represent the overall hydro-meteorology community and coordinate the HMR Virtual Research Community.
Within this framework, a collaboration between DRIHM and EGI was established with the goal “to setup a web based science gateway for the hydrometeorogycal community to enable them running pre-defined simulation workflows using resources from the European Grid Infrastructure. To achieve this goal the collaboration has to integrate various hydrometeorological models with EGI, setup of a science gateway, develop workflows in the science gateway, develop unique interfaces for the workflows to simplify their use by scientists”. This resulted in the creation of a roadmap with the actions to be performed to shape such goal.
For more details, visit the related site:
The collaboration with EGI will continue also after the official end of the project. We are currently negotiating a SLA, more details can be found at