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TOPIC: Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014

Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #205

Why would you like to participate to the DRIHM Summer School 2014?

Hello everybody, welcome to the DRIHM Summer School forum!

Here you can shortly present yourself,
leave your comments about why you are interested in extreme events,
tell about your experience in using of hydro-meteorological models.

We will be glad to know more about you and your interests!
Last Edit: 10 years 7 months ago by Tatiana.
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #209

Hi all,

my name is Corrado and I am a postdoc at The Cyprus Institute in Nicosia.

Both droughts and rainfalls are projected to get harsher than they actually are in all the Eastern Mediterranean Region, creating big problems in the water management and agriculture sectors as well as leading to increase natural hazards.

Together with my colleagues, we are already working on the coupling of climate projections and hydrological models, to better understand how surficial water related processes will be affected in the future.

On the hand, for the next future, we are exploring the possibility, through new research proposals, of developing a proto-type of a real-time flood alert system for Cyprus, that's why this summer school would be great for me!!
Last Edit: 10 years 7 months ago by corrado.
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #210

Hello all,
My name is Sahidul Islam, working at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, India.
I am also doing Ph.D at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India. The topic is impact of urbanization of extreme precipitation over Mumbai in present & future. To study this, we are using WRF model coupled with urban canopy model.

Presently, we are working on model skill for few heavy precipitation events by changing Land Use Land Cover(LULC) over Mumbai regions. Using this base analysis data, in future, we would like to do projections for extreme events changes in terms of land use projections.

The extreme rainfall events which has huge societal impact. Mumbai rain event of 2005 caused 409 deaths and an unprecedented loss of $1 billion to the socio-economic sector (Jenamani et al., 2006). This prompts me to study the extreme events.

Currently, I am just exploring WRF-Hydrology modeling systems and its functionality.
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #213

Dear All,
I am Sazzad Hossain, working as an Engineer in Flood Forecasting and Warning Center in Bangladesh. Basically I am a Civil Engineering graduate from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and I had a Master in Hydro Science and Engineering from Technical University Dresden, Germany. Recently I have completed Masters in Disaster Management from University of Dhaka Bangladesh. From the very beginning of my career, I am involved in hydro meteorological data analysis and modeling for flood forecasting purposes. Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC), Bangladesh provides flood forecasting and warning services in Bangladesh. In FFWC are using hydrological and hydrodynamic model for flood forecasting activities.
I am very much inspired to participate in DRIHM Summer School 2014 on Hydro-meteorological modeling using e-Science environments. The in DRIHM Summer School 2014 will provide me opportunity to learn new generation weather model like WRF. So, by attending the summer school, I would be enriched with new modeling technique which will certainly increase my capacity in improving flood forecasting in Bangladesh and ultimately people of Bangladesh will be benefited. The knowledge will be gathered from will also help me in further higher studies. Involvement in a scientific network is another objective to participate in DRIHM Summer School.
Bangladesh is located is dynamic hydro-meteorological region. It experiences various extreme hydro-meteorological events like severe flood, drought, cyclone and storm surges etc. almost every year. To predict extreme events is very challenging and prediction of extreme event is quite necessary to save lives and properties. As flood forecaster, I am interested to predict extreme flood event in time to save life, property and livelihood of people. Hydro-meteorological models can identify extreme events like heavy rainfall events which are subsequently used for flood forecasting.

Best Regards

Sazzad Hossain
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #215

Dear Friends,
I am Dharmaveer Singh (pursuing PhD)from National Institute of Technology, Allahabad India. I am working in field of hydro-meteorology under the supervision of Dr. S.K. Jain Scientist-F, Water Resources Systems Division, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee and Dr. R.D. Gupta, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,NIT, Allahabad.My study area is sutlej river basin and this is highly sensitive to climate change.The focus of my research is to quantify impacts of climate change on water resources (stream flow)under different emission scenarios and study of trends in extreme precipitation and temperature indices. For this purpose, statistical downscaling techniques are used to downscale and generate future scenarios of metrological variables (TMax, TMin, and PCP) form predictors of General Circulation Models. But results obtained from statistical techniques are not satisfactory for precipitation. Therefore more sophisticated techniques are required to increase reliability in prediction of precipitation so that better simulations of stream flow could be done for future periods. In this training various topics related with hydrological metrological models like RIBS, WRF, MASCARET and WRF-HYDRO will be taught and discussed. These models are new to me and knowledge about them will definitely improve and enhance my research capabilities in field of hydro-metrological modelling. So, I am interested and applied for the participation in the Summer school.

In past, i have worked with tools like SWAT, HES and MIKE for hydrological modelling and ANN, SDSM, Weather Generator for statistical downscaling and simulation of meteorological variables.
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Your interest in DRIHM summer school 2014 10 years 7 months ago #217

Dear Friends,
I am Elena Shevnina, originally from Russia, but now I am working at Finnish Meteorological Institute (Helsinki). I have graduated and got PhD degree at Russian State Hydrometeorological University (Sankt Petersburg). My experience in hydrological model includes: (i) development stochastic model to predict the probability density functions of monthly inflow to reservoirs of hydropower station in the northern Russia, (ii) using SREAM model to estimate future water resources under the expected climate changes and using WEAP model to appreciate the adaptation strategies for agriculture, industry and hydropower generation branches for the Syr Darya River Basin and (iii) development stochastic model to predict the multi-annual statistical moments and extreme peak flow for Arctic territories under the expected climate changes.
To join the DRHIM Summer School would be interesting for me since the integrated approach of hydrometeorological modeling would be presented. This is good opportunity to know more about e-Science environment and to learn the key models from meteorological (WRF) via hydrological (RIBS) to hydraulic (MASCARET).
Ystävällisin Terveisin [with the best regards]!
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