Hello everyone,
I'm Amal Markhi Moroccan Phd student at the university Caddy Ayyad , Faculty of science Semlalia Marrakesh, and i'm working on soil erosion and hydrometorological stadies in the Hight atlas of Mrrakesh;
Morocco, due to its location in the Mediterranean circumference, is vulnerable to present and future climate variability and climate change. In this context, we are interested in the phenomenon of erosion, because Morocco is among the regions of the world most affected by this extreme event. Indeed, in the High Atlas, as in most Moroccan mountain areas, watersheds are virtually all exposed to the Northwest. This allows them to cope with rainy disturbances from the Atlantic Ocean. Furthermore, the hydrographic network of these basins is particulary dense and density of drainage is important, produce the phenomenon of soil erosion by water which causes many problems , the loss of several million m3 of water due to siltation of dams eroded land, flooding and landslides and clogging of hydro-agricultural infrastructure are recorded.
In the subject of this study region of my thesis project in the hight atlas Of marrakech, Soil degradation is amplified by intensive exploitation of natural resources and a particular climate regime semi-arid climate. The purpose of this study is to apply the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to predict surface runoff generation patterns and soil erosion hazard and to prioritize most degraded sub-catchment in order to adopt the appropriate management intervention, Application of the SWAT model demonstrated that the model provides a useful tool to predict surface runoff and soil erosion hazard and can successfully be used for prioritization of vulnerable areas over semi-arid catchments. Expectedly, estimated soil loss was significantly correlated with measured rainfall and simulated surface runoff.
I strongly believe that with the combination of my experiences, education, and motivation I would greatly contribute to your program at the summer school, because it will be a good opportunity for me to improve my skills and my knowledge about hydrometeorological model and to know better how this models can be applied on different scales, how they are able to focus ,the impact of natural and anthropogenic disturbances (climate change),and how through this modeling can be done the prediction of extreme envent before it destroys everything.
you will also offer me a beautiful and usuful opportunity , wich is being opened to other cultures around the world and meet great people.
Best Regards,
Amal Markhi