Morocco, due to its location in the Mediterranean circumference, is vulnerable to present and future climate variability and climate change. Its surface water resources are becoming ever more limited and difficult to exploit. It might be expected that the warming of the hot season and drought would result in an increase in arid and semi-arid regimes of the region. In this context, Morocco has experienced flood sadly memorable by their destructive and deadly effects, so can we forget the famous flood that affected watersheds High Atlas Marrakech 17 August 1995. This is a result believed that this attention has been drawn to this region with the need to carefully study the phenomena flood for the prediction and protection. The rains that began around 18:30, have transformed into storm speeds summer half hours later. The storm fears Aboriginal worse. The river carries everything in its path as a steamroller. Trees, livestock, men, cars are carried by a mud wall that crushes everything in its path. With a speed of 1,000 m3 per second. When the river enters his bed to 21 hours, it leaves behind a landscape desolation.