Dear friends,
Hydro meteorological extreme events in Bangladesh
Dear friends,
This is very interesting to learn various kinds of extreme events which are experienced by participants. Here I am shearing with you some hydro-meteorological extreme events in Bangladesh. Due to geographical location Bangladesh is affected by various kinds of hydro meteorological extreme events like flood, tornado, rainfall, cyclone and storm surges. Different types of floods like river flood, flash flood, rain-fed flood and coastal flood occur here. Almost every year it gets severe flood which causes severe damages to lives, agricultural crops, infrastructures, properties and livelihood of people. Some example of extreme severe flood occurred in Bangladesh are flood in 1988, 1998, 2004 and 2007. In 2010 devastating flash flood occurred in northeastern part of Bangladesh which caused severe damage on rice production.
Bangladesh is affected by the tropical cyclone which also causes severe damage to lives and infrastructure in coastal areas.
Example of some devastating cyclone events in Bangladesh (Source: EM-DAT)
Year Number of people died
1970 300317
1991 138987
2007 4275
2009 197