First off, thank you for your interest, engagement and contributions
that made the school such a success. While the DRIHM project is
approaching its final months, DRIHM school should live on one way or
the other. So we'd very much appreciate if you could share with us
your thoughts on the next steps:
-If you couldn't make it this time, would you be interested in the
next event (enough to be put on the mailing list)?
-If you had further/broader thoughts after filling in the feedback forms (we're processing them at the
-What were the things that we could have spent more time one?
-Any other ideas (e.g. events we could collocate the school with)?
And in any case, please stay in touch! If you see interesting tools,
case studies or witness interesting events, please share them on the
forum! And do not forget to subscribe to UPM youtube channel to catch
the recordings of the lectures as they become available!