Fordward from UNESCO-IHE:
Dear Colleague,
As you maybe know, in 2011 we have started the new Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Flood Risk Management. It is offered by a consortium of UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (the Netherlands), Technical University of Dresden (Germany), Technical University of Catalonia (Spain) and University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). We have many applications from non-EU candidates (however we still welcome more), but very little from EU countries – so right now there is little competition for fellowships for EU students.
I would like to mention that apart from the fact that this Programme could be interesting for many students due to its syllabus, and due to the fact that graduates will receive three Master diplomas, it is also quite attractive since for the fellowship holders the tuition is paid fully by EU, and each student from a EU country receives additionally living allowance of 500 Euros a month.
*** Please note that the Bachelor students that are still studying can apply as well, provided they receive the Bachelor diploma before autumn.
Of course if you know good candidates from non-EU countries, they are welcome as well (non-European fellowship holders are provided with even better financial arrangement).
I would really appreciate if you could share this information with your students, and/or with colleagues that may know candidates interested to apply for this Programme.
Applications can be made at
Thank you very much in advance!
Kind regards
Dimitri Solomatine
Professor, Chair of Hydroinformatics
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education