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DRIHM presents an interesting video explaining the objectives and best practices of the project

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TOPIC: “ACRONET® Paradigm”

“ACRONET® Paradigm” 10 years 8 months ago #141

Hi Cosimo,

Here's my 0.02€ worth:

My first instinct was to use the word "production version" or "production ready" to separate from the prototypes, but it might sound a bit funny if the buyer does some of the assembling (depending on the context). And I guess measuring weather parameters is not always seen as a service that someone would need to "produce" (and be responsible for).

Maybe "field ready" would be better? If the differentiating factor is that ACRONET devices can be installed on the field. And either define somewhere what is needed for something to be field ready, i.e. watchdog and IP protection you mentioned (I assume former means that device alerts the user if there's a fault, latter means secure communications?).

"Field hardened" might also work, if the key differentiating factors center on weather protection & design that withstands knocks and so on. But you should ideally be able to play football using an operational weather station as a ball... :)

Hope this was of some help!


PS. Was this the other project you mentioned: www.arduino.cc/ ?
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“ACRONET® Paradigm” 10 years 8 months ago #142

I Matti,

thank you very much!

"field ready" is perfect to me!! (now I'll guess some problem to translate it in italian :) )

really the paradigm definition works the same without any word instead of Professional... Its only scope was to underline the difference between acronet and the others most famous open hardware prototype project (yes arduino.cc is the one I mentioned this morning).

just to erase the possible equation "Open hardware = Prototype" if someone does it on first reading... (someone does it?)

I owe you 0.02€ :-)

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“ACRONET® Paradigm” 10 years 8 months ago #143

Hi Cosimo,

I guess the "open hardware" might have a bit the same sound as Linux had 15 years ago - you're free to tinker and free to shoot yourself in the foot (I guess in case of hardware this might even seem like a literal scenario... :) ).

Perhaps you could consider presenting the philosophy with a bold banner stating "Only user serviceable parts inside" and use the "open hardware" as a subtitle or part of the background material?

And in the spirit of openness, I need to remember to report the 0.02€ in the next tax return! :)
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“ACRONET® Paradigm” 10 years 8 months ago #147

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“ACRONET® Paradigm” 10 years 8 months ago #166

Dear Cosimo

is it feasible to conceive and propose a low-cost ACRONET solution on your website, corresponding to citizen-scientist pocket? Say in the order maximum of 200-250 euro?

That would be great and could be advertized with various citizen scientists association such as Meteonetwork.


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“ACRONET® Paradigm” 10 years 8 months ago #168

Reading this article reminded me of Antonio's question:


So would some kind of crowdfunding approach be a possible way to bring the costs down?

I would assume that coming up with a low-cost solution would already be easier if there was sufficient volume of orders in the books, so perhaps applying for support for commercial R&D along the lines of this project:


Could be useful. I would imagine Citizen Scientist associations could be interested in promoting such a campaign, too.

On the "civic project" side, I thought this example was also quite interesting:


It successfully raised over 50 000$ to expand (through promotion and development) and existing non-profit service.
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