I joined the LMU DRIHM project team in January 2014 and was given the opportunity to look into how the User Forum could be made into a better resource for anyone interested in hydro-meteorology and its applications. Thus I'd be very interested in new results, tools and technical challenges as well as any thoughts on the forum itself. For example, how and where it could and should be promoted (twitter, linkedin,facebook, sites of other projects…?). I’m also very interested in ideas related to material that could be added either to the forum or to the website itself to make hydro-meteorology and the computational tools it uses seem more accessible and relevant.
Although I have a technical background in computer science software engineering, I have been involved in e-Science, citizen science and popularisation of science for more than a decade. And I’m looking forward to learning more about hydro-meteorology and its applications - at the moment my knowledge in that area has some “minor” gaps...