I am a meteorologist and physicist with a postgraduate degree in Environmental Engineering. My concern and interest in extreme events, especially global climate change comes from the 80s while pursuing a graduate degree in physics at the Catholic University North studying the Salar de Atacama the driest in the world. The last time I participate in a project with the permission of the Technical University Federico Santa María (UTFSM) in a Center for the Study of Stellar Radiation (CERE) to be built in a nature reserve in the region of Valparaíso with researchers Luis Da Silva and Eduardo Mera. Chile is the most polluted country in the world by stratospheric ozone resulting in high death rate from skin cancer. For us it is important to integrate with your Virtual Community of Global Research DRIHM be interesting as the possibility of running a Predicted Radiation Index Model and/or Air Quality Model to Valparaiso in one of Europe computing platforms.