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DRIHM presents an interesting video explaining the objectives and best practices of the project

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The DRIHM project has been invited to give a talk at the 5th International Workshop for Global Precipitation Mission Ground Validation. The workshop will be held 10-12 July 2012 in Toronto, Canada.

The anticipated outcomes of the workshop will include: a) an improved understanding of high-latitude GV priorities and practices; b) assessment, definition, and prioritization of remaining key algorithm issues in the tropics; c) better understanding of the quality and utility of current satellite products, especially in the middle and high latitudes; d) increased coordination of international field and measurement initiatives contributing to GPM GV objectives; and e) a consensus on recommended approaches to making liquid and frozen PSD measurements and an improved understanding of how such information can be incorporated into GPM retrieval algorithms.

For more information,http://www.5th-gpm-gv-workshop-2012.org

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