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DRIHM presents an interesting video explaining the objectives and best practices of the project

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Project Introduction

In a process of “learning by doing” the hydrometeorological scientists accessing the DRIHM e-Infrastructure will carry out HMR activities, while simultaneously working with ICT researchers to develop the necessary tools and practices to effectively exploit ICT resources for computing,  archiving and data processing.

The DRIHM w-Infrastructure will be based on: 

  • Layer Resources and Applications: Hardware, design and simulation methods and tools are on each partner sites and can be accessed remotely.  They are organized as a cloud;
  • Layer Services and resources monitoring/management: To be developed or selected in DRIHM project.  These services are aiming at organizing the use of resources and applications from the requests launch of the layer services;
  • Layer Application Services: It is what DRIHM will integrate to allow different users to treat their challenges;
  • Layer Environments: It is a secured workspace that is accessible only to authorized persons (specialist and non-specialist users, all together constituting the DRIHM Virtual Community).  Each workspace gives an access to the services that have been set up to help the authorized users to treat their challenges;
  • Layer Portal: To be developed in DRIHM.  It  is the entrance point to the DRIHM site.  



The currently existing e-Infrastructures are  designed to handle the  processing of a large amount of distributed data, exploiting the sharing of computing, storage, and network resources in a coordinated way.  DRIHM applications will certainly benefit from the above design, with a close interaction with EGI and PRACE projects, nevertheless DRIHM also has specific HMR requirements not yet or only partly addressed within the presently existing e- Infrastructures.  They concern topics like the  integration of sensor networks and acquisition systems, the sharing of different modelling and post-processing tools, the data policy and the provision of training/support in all related aspects (from the set-up and operation of e-Science environments to adding new applications and user access).

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