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DRIHM presents an interesting video explaining the objectives and best practices of the project

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The DRIHM project contributes to 13th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and the 11th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM).


The EMS&ECAM meetings aim at fostering exchange and cross-fertilisation of ideas in the meteorological, climatological and related communities, focusing particularly on strategic issues relevant to the future of meteorology in Europe. The focal theme this year – High Impact Weather: Working in Partnership to Reduce Risk –  aims at emphasising the partnership dimension of meteorological services. Developing and sharing skills, technology and infrastructure across organisations is required to achieve maximum utility from knowledge of the weather, in particular in high impact situations.
The EMS&ECAM meetings will be held in Reading, United Kingdom, in September 2013  (09 - 13).

DRIHM is represented by the partners from the Technical University of Madrid, see their contribution.

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